Watching the Watchers
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Watching the Watchers is dedicated to holding those in our criminal justice system accountable. From police officers, prosecutors, judges to politicians, gone are the days where misconduct can be ignored and forgotten. Those empowered to watch over society must be held to the highest standards.
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Vaccines are the real cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and the government has been covering it up for decades, one doctor says.

The term SIDS itself, according to @MidwesternDoc, is a euphemism used to cover up vaccine-related deaths.

One disturbing study found that two-thirds of infants who died of SIDS had been vaccinated with the DPT vaccine prior to death. Of those, 6.5% died within 12 hours of vaccination, 13% within 24 hours, and 26% within three days.

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Ya know, I was thinking..... "FOIA", my bum! Why on earth, in the 21st century, should we have to REQUEST information that is free to us? All this information should be stored on a public server for our at-will browsing pleasure.

sigh.........dare to dream.....

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These are not illegal immigrants. These are mercenaries who just assassinated 2 American Citizens in Chicago.

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Healing Back Pain with Steve Ozanich Notes
Lightly edited notes from a very powerful meeting

Notes on Healing Back Pain – Meeting with Steve Ozanich

  • Steve's Website and YouTube

  • Did you try everything? Doesn’t work because it is NOT a body problem!

  • NEVER listen to someone who tells you that you cannot heal

  • We don’t believe it comes from the BACK at all!

  • The pain is not coming from the conscious side

  • Full consciousness is the goal

  • Unconscious side is causing pain - talk to it directly


VooDoo Curse

  • Your pain is programmed and implanted by someone else

  • “you have a bad back”

  • Someone told you that and it gets permanent


The Book Cure - Back Pain - Read these to LITERALLY CURE Back Pain

  1. Healing Back Pain by Dr. John Sarno

  2. The Great Pain Deception by Steve Ozanich

  3. Back Pain Permanent Healing - argument on why Dr. Sarno is correct - not for healing


Success Stories: Wall of Healing



  • Type T person - TENSION

  • Tension Myoneural Syndrome - we all have it to some degree - back pain is the most common

  • Having too much TENSION in your personality

  • How you see things is YOUR reality (even though it is not real)

  • More chronic symptoms are Type T


Driven to succeed and achieve always push themselves and don’t relax well

  • Gentle, kind, overachievers, hyper-responsible, more anxious than the average person

  • Great, back pain is the most common thing in the world! You have it too!


Your back pain injury HEALED when you were 16 or 17 - it is fine.

  • The injury was a trigger for the brain and the brain programmed it in


WATCH: John Stossel on YouTube ABC 2020 1999 Dr. Sarno’s Cure


Cracked vertebrates and herniated discs and arthritis are very common - but the pain is not.

The pain is in the brain not the back!


Boost the confidence of the unconscious mind.


The healing mechanism is KNOWLEDGE

  • Works every time

  • Have to get the right information and apply it 

  • Once you accept it, it works


ACCEPT IT: There is NOTHING wrong with your back AT ALL

  • The pain is NOT coming from your physical body

  • Your body attacks the pain site and the change sites where there was attack

  • The injury is a GHOST MEMORY and your brain uses that when you need a DIVERSION

  • Your brain creates the PAIN to distract you on PURPOSE to help you COPE throughout your daily life


  • This is ANGER in my back not physical pain

  • TMS is simply a coping strategy from the pain to divert your mind's eye AWAY from RAGE!

  • Rage is the DEMANDS you are making on yourself!

  • He must become aware that the DISC is not causing the pain it is the PRESSURES your put on yourself that cause the pain


The Golden Question:

  • Most asked TMS questions by anyone

  • What do I do to get better?

  • What do you like to do?

  • Go skiing?

  • Go skiing!

  • (The joy from the activity will reduce your tension and cure your pain.)


Even level 11 and 20 pain (out of 10) is HARMLESS


The unconscious is the darkness inside

The id

The shadow

Consciousness means understanding / light

Unconscious means darkness / lack of understanding


Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do!


The healing mechanism


You are a TENSE MAN with a tense FACE - CHILL OUT


Carl Jung

  • Thinking and feeling (head and heart) are polar opposite functions

  • You cannot do them at the same time

  • Mutually exclusive


Thinking vs. Feeling

  • Are you a mind addict? Eckert Tolle.

  • Something going on when you were a child and that dynamic that you no longer wanted to feel anymore - so you shut the feelings off by thinking - all in our heads!

  • Overutilizing the intellectual function and not the emotional functions

  • Is something blocking your heart function?


Perception is reality

If you think your back is bad your back will be bad


Shift your perception

There is nothing wrong with your back


John 8:32 – You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.


The only way to heal yourself is to become MORE PRESENT



God Heals and the Dr. Takes the Fee!

The light of TRUTH is what heals and helps



You are reinforcing the problem that doesn’t exist

People get better almost immediately BECAUSE THERE IS NOTHING WRONG

Live like the pain doesn’t even exist!!

Get rid of the comforts (heating pad, pillows)


Work for other things besides PAIN!


Solves other things too! Cancer, eating problems, all the things

Pain disorder or eating disorders or whatever disorders


Drs are wealthy because their treatment doesn’t work.


Pain has substituted for the RAGE and the ANGER 

Back pain is my RAGE and ANGER manifesting as physical pain

**There is nothing wrong**


Fear and Sadness are primary emotions


Thinking vs. Feeling is very important

Thinking blocks the feelings

The Egoic Mind is a defense mechanism - defending against how your feel


Take away your Egoic and Thinking Mind and what is left?

Your feeling self?


BUT! Not really ANGER - it is RAGE - and you are never going to feel it because the brain creates back pain

Back pain was preventing your from feeling and expressing your rage

RAGE is pissed off at all the demands you have placed on yourself and in service of everyone?


Memetic transfer in the brain

Thoughts can be like a virus

“You’ve got a bad back”

“You broke your back”


RAGE - why does it manifest in the back?

It is not that you cannot control your temper, it is that your temper is controlling you!

“Don’t piss him off, ever.”

To be nice, you push your rage into your back.

To live in society.

It is when you lose to curb your temper your pain begins.


Nobody is driven that hard in your life without intense ANGER!


Pressure on yourself to be the GREATEST THAT EVER LIVED

(basically insane)

Tiger Woods falling behind because of his anger - not his back.


NEVER will feel your rage as rage, but you’ll feel it as back pain


Back pain is a psychological process not a physical process.

Freud called it a Super Ego (a false construct, a persona that we show the world)

When you have pain or a health problem that face you are showing the world is not true

Jung called it a persona vs. a superego

My patients are suffering from a “persona” or a mask, a false face, a lie


Divided between the person you are and the person you claim to be


Why are we doing this to ourselves?

We are all always trying to please our parents

That’s all.

Our parents are our Gods in our subconscious mind

Outside of our awareness in our subconscious mind

False self of persona 


Tension means not genuine


TENSE BODY is manifesting in the back because it is SYMBOLIC of something else

All pain has a symbolic meaning

Back pain usually means financial concerns, generally speaking

Shoulders - weight of the world on your shoulders

Migraine - internal conflict

Knee pain - running away from something

Might shift around as you start to solve the pain (very sneaky! Will shift around body parts)


Where is the ANGER and RAGE coming from?

  • Clancy McKenzie

  • SEPARATION from someone we love, need or depend upon - including separation from yourself

  • Mother is the most important

  • Anger is turned inward and we have health problems 


Common Causes of RAGE:

  1. Divorce

  2. Parent dying

  3. Business divorce

  4. Working on a degree (phd, lawschool)


Something is coming apart in our lives - we heal when they come together - separation RAGE is the thing that causes the most violent rage


When kids - we blame ourselves 

When people leave us - we ask ourselves if it was our fault - was it because of me?

Even if a child is beaten, the child says it must be my fault?



All of our suffering comes from one

All anger in the world comes from 



Is it really an anger problem? It is a WANTING problem.


Perfectionists want EVERYTHING!

They are they angriest people in the world but they don’t know it


Not good not to cry (means you are out of touch with your emotions)


Unthaw as a human being

Back pain is being a FROZEN MAN

Your emotions are blocked by your intellect and mind


“Don’t get angry” is not great advice

Even Jesus flipped the tables

The more pressure you put on yourself to be perfect the more you are masking your emotions and masking your rage

Cancer/MS/Pain/Autoimmune is anger and rage manifesting in the body

The body is ATTACKING ITSELF because you are so filled with anger and rage


It is really a WANTING problem


The only way out of this is PRESENCE

The less anger comes from more presence


If you only focus on PRESENCE your back pain will disappear before you know it


Stop putting focus on the problem

Whatever you put your focus on you will create

Law of attraction

Wanted or unwanted it will happen

Stay in the present moment do not focus on pain


Once you understand what’s going on, get rid of everything and leave the old world behind.

Perception is reality - you have to see there is nothing wrong with you


There is violent rage

There is living in the intellectual mind


More precise to say it is a FEAR problem because all ANGER comes from FEAR

FEAR is the real problem


What are people afraid of?

Biggest fear of ALL:

  1. Being abandoned

    1. To avoid being abandoned, we act in way that make our parents happy so they don’t abandon us

    2. But is that how we want to act?


Aniti Moorjani interviews Steve Ozanich


Don’t fight your pain

Can’t fight your cancer

Bless every problem that comes your way as an opportunity for spiritual growth

Have to change 

Cancer is an emotional process of anger

Watch documentary called Heal on Gaia network

Molecules of emotions - scientific studies are showing tumors shrink when they person realizes they are angry


Healing is a REALIZATION (or a series of them)

  1. Nothing wrong with you

  2. I’m angry

  3. I have rage

  4. I want too much

  5. Too much pressure on myself


Healing is like sleep

Healing happens when you stop trying 

Trying to heal is like trying to sleep


Healing is a byproduct of a great environment, like a flower growing

Kundalini cannot be forced through the spine

Mind must be perfectly still


Break the addiction to the mind

Eckert Tolle would call it a mind addict


Fight and Flight continuously

Need to drop out of that

Drop into BEING


Presence is the ONLY way out

A very still mind and elongated breathing to drop the tension


Listen to the POWER OF NOW by Eckert Tolle

Force it through the prism of TMS


Your mind CANNOT solve your pain problem

Cannot think away your pain

Mind cannot solve the pain problem because the MIND IS THE PROBLEM

The mind and the ego like this problem and always try to solve the problem

Egoic mind will never give up on the pain


Instead, we practice presence and watch your mind, look at the mind from the observer’s perspective.


Back problem has nothing to do with you physically or mentally, at all.


**This is a spiritual problem**


What can I do to heal?

Get happy. Not having enough fun and joy!

Living in your head WAY too much


“Only the children shall enter the kingdom of heaven”

No judgments

State of Heaven is a perfect state of being 


Not having enough fun


Days where EVERYTHING feels amazing and fun

More laughter and fun makes pain disappear immediately and de-tensions body


The MIND is the problem

Cannot think yourself out of it


RAGE comes also from getting older - just natural - rage at the natural order of things

Whatever your present age is, you are getting happier


The most underrated thing in the world is GRATITUDE

The antithesis of gratitude is perfectionism 


Never happy, never grateful, always wanting more

The Disease of MORE

What do you want - happiness?

If you always want more, you are never grateful

If you are present, you are not wanting more


Michael Singer and Eckert Tolle

Experiencing what’s happening right now


Fear and Worry and Anxiety 

Lao Tzu - fear does not exist! All stuff holding in your mind!


Fight / Flight ALL THE TIME 

Why? During childhood - something happened - what? Doesn’t matter.


Will heal when feeling safe again

Tension is rising 

Amygdala is on fire - calm this down


Whole body is TENSE 

But back is holding the tension

Energy problem - anger is being held there in the lower back


Rage to Soothe Ratio needs to be higher (increase the soothe)


David Hawkins - one of the greatest healers that ever existed

Runners have many problems too

Metaphorically running away, now they are addicted to it

Running does not bring good health

Enjoying running brings good health


Exercise does not bring good health

The joy of exercise does not bring good health


Secret: Finding Joy in Every Moment




Is the opposite



SECRET: Peace is ALREADY THERE but we cannot experience it when we have a constant stream of thoughts

Stillness is the answer


“Be still and know that I am God”


There is a war going on inside you

Some of you wants all this

Some of you wants none of this


Reality principle - Cannot always have everything I want 

Pleasure goes to the backburner


When you defer the pleasure at the expense of reality principle you will create tension


A little more pleasure and little more joy and little more peace will help you HEAL


Consciously keep breathing and relaxing 

Longer and slower breathing

7x breaths per minute


Be still and know that I am God



Trying to escape a present moment every moment of your life instead of accepting it

Feeling in danger 


Problem: Not having enough fun and joy in your life


Spiritual Awakening

Eckert Tolle



Buddah ended his suffering by realizing he is NOT his mind.


The only thing that is real is LOVE

Oneness is LOVE


The mind is always racing to cover the emotional wound

Tolle takes it a step further

Mind is causing the emotional would and it doesn’t want you to know that

**There aren’t any answers**

The mind is blocking how you feel as a defense mechanism


Shut down fight and flight

Remind yourself regularly:

I’m safe

I’m safe

I’m safe


Something has to shift to get better!



Never going to heal unless you forgive yourself.


If your pain starts moving around you have it on the run! You are winning!


Never going to go away as long as you look at it!

If you pay attention to it, it will never go away!


There is NOTHING wrong with your back AT ALL

This is a spiritual malady



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Senator Tom Cotton Demands ANSWERS Arbout Biden's COCAINE Drug House
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